Minute with the Master


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We handle rejection from people by clinging to God. God personally experienced rejection, so He understands. He never rejects us.

Can we overcome the enemy’s attacks with faith in God? This video explores Bible verses to show that, yes, faith can help us overcome these attacks!

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This video covers basic truths about what prayer is and how we can pray powerfully.

We can overcome self-centeredness by looking to God. As we focus on God and learn about Him, we see that He has an agenda and world that is much bigger than our own.

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How can we overcome discouragement and depression? In this video, we explore Bible verses that can help us overcome these attacks.

What is God’s Favor? In this video, we explore this topic by analyzing Daniel’s life as recorded in the Bible. Daniel experienced God’s favor, and so can we.

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No matter what we feel, we need to fight unbelief. As we wrestle with it, we can be assured that God’s strength wrestles inside of us as we shake off this hindrance and believe.

In this video, we reflect on our veterans’ sacrifices and how their service points to what Christ has done for us on the cross.

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Regardless of our denominations, it’s helpful to observe Lent, a period of fasting leading up to Ressurection Sunday. This video covers simple steps to take for those who are Protestants and are just starting to observe Lent.

How does the promise of the resurrection of our bodies affect the Christian walk? Since Jesus was raised up from the dead, we will be raised, too. With this truth, the way we think about death changes.

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What is the gospel, really? In this video, we explore Bible verses that clarify what the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for us.

Do we believe that God can heal us? If not, why not? In this video, we explore some reasons why we don’t fully trust God’s ability to heal.

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Why do we sometimes feel like God is far away and doesn’t care for us? In this video, we explore this question with Biblical truths brought to you by Bella Victor.

What is the difference between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom?

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Let’s start the New Year with hope!

Let God lead you at the start of this New Year!

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Jesus’ coming allowed for us to be reconciled to God!

Jesus came to proclaim the Good News about God’s Kingdom!

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Let us not forget God’s benefits!

Let us look back on the year and list everything God has done for us!

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